Textiquette: A Runner Guide to Higher Tips

Five ways to text yourself to better tips.

Favor Delivery
The Rundown


As a Runner, you’re more than just delivery drivers, you’re personal assistants with the power to make someone’s day. Whether new to Favor, or trying to step up your game, here are a few messaging tips to maximize your earnings!

Use Templates

Add custom messaging templates in the Runner app for quick & easy customer communication. ✍️ We recommend writing multiple templates for different situations. Is there traffic? 🚘 Is the restaurant closed? 🕑 Draft templates for a variety of situations so you can send an update with one tap.

Add Flair

Runners who use emojis and memes receive higher tips. 🙌 💰 Create custom memes, include emojis in your messaging templates, and watch the tips roll in!

Keep It Short & Sweet

The best messaging templates are typically less than three sentences (think of it like a Tweet). Try to be concise with your message so your customer can respond quickly.

Understand Your Customer

Always send a welcome text to your customer — this let’s them know you are working on their order and gives a great first impression. If your customer doesn’t text you back, avoid blowing up their phone with follow-up texts. New phone, who dis? The Favor app will automatically update them about the progress of their order!

Express Yourself

The Runner community is full of creative, funny folks. 👨‍🎤 🕺 Express yourself with memes, gifs, and puns to make your customers smile and increase your tips!

Need help creating your messaging templates? Visit the Help Center at runner.favordelivery.com for more information.

Share your best Favor texts on social media! Be sure to include #WordsWithFavor and you could win Favor Delivery credit.

